# The beginning

Should I learn web development for making interactive apps and simulations; I could also learn to make a Blog? No, web development makes my brain dull; maybe I should continue making simulations in graphical engines.

My long distaste, displeasure and struggle with web development has kept me in this state of sudden moments of constant conflits. But I think -- atleast temporarily -- I have been freed from this conflict.

This was until I found this post on twitter[^twitter].


This post, landed me to this simple, beautiful, latex-like, blog[^fractal].

# The blogging

I had to do some digging about static sites to understand that it was using the "minima" theme[^minima] with jekyll. I had to do some more digging in the source file in the browser inspector to understand that it was using something called "markdeep"[^markdeep] on top of that. I took me some time, struggling for getting both of them (jekyll and markdeep) to work together. Finally I found this Y-combinator blog discussion by the same author[^combinator]. This perplexity search also helped alot[^perplexity].

Finally, I now have most of what I originally wanted. I plan to update this blog on a quarterly basis. If you want to write a similar blog, you'll figure it out from the references shared here. The source for the blog is intended to be closed.

I did not become smarter by figuring out this blog. But maybe I will become smarter once I start writing some more entries here. Till then, keep learning the secrets and the truths.

# Acknowledgements Thank you to Sohl-Dickstein for writing the blog[^fractal]. Thank you to twitter and the community for suggesting the blog to me[^twitter].

[^twitter]: https://x.com/jaschasd/status/1756930242965606582?s=20 [^fractal]: https://sohl-dickstein.github.io/2024/02/12/fractal.html [^minima]: https://github.com/jekyll/minima [^markdeep]: https://casual-effects.com/markdeep/ [^combinator]: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33556906 [^perplexity]: https://www.perplexity.ai/search/markdeep-and-jekyll-9c8KqKIeRdq6YeYq.HM7Hg